Jon Barkan Passes Away

College Hockey lost a dear friend with the passing of Jon Barkan. Jon was taken from us far too early, with so much more left to give to the world.

In his 39 years Jon brightened our days and made each and every one of us a better person with everything that he did, not only in college hockey but with everyday life.

I remember when I was in Atlanta about two years ago visiting my sister and her family and my nephew wanted to go to a Thrashers’ game. Jon was right there for me, with tickets on the blue line about 15 rows off the ice. That’s the kind of guy he was, always willing to help and to put a smile on someone’s face.

College Hockey won’t be the same without Jon, he was one of those people that made it a pleasure to be around the sport.

There is a whole lot more that one can say about Jon, but it’s hard to put it on paper.

From all of us at USCHO, our deepest condolences and prayers to the Barkan family.