Arcadia 1, Nazareth 6 F
UCHC GameSaturday, November 6, 2021 at Bill Gray's Regional Iceplex (Attendance: 200)
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Scoring | Shots | |||||||||
Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Penalties | Power Plays | ||
ARC | 0 | 0 | 1 | = 1 | 8 | 7 | 10 | = 25 | 11-22 | 0-5 |
NAZ | 1 | 3 | 2 | = 6 | 13 | 23 | 9 | = 45 | 6-12 | 1-9 |
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Per | Team | Scorer | Assist 1 | Assist 2 | Goal Type | Time |
No matching records found |
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Per | Team | Player | Min | Infraction | Time |
No matching records found |
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Saves | ||||||
Team | Goalie | 1 | 2 | 3 | Goals Allowed | |
Lucas Brine (11:37 ) | 0 | 0 | 0 | = 4 | (0 GA) | |
ARC-1 | Fletcher Bolda (48:22 L) | 0 | 0 | 0 | = 35 | (6 GA) |
NAZ-1 | Matt Sayles (60:00 W) | 0 | 0 | 0 | = 24 | (1 GA) |
Player Scoring Summary
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Team | Player | Scoring |
NAZ | Keith Davenport | 1-0 = 1 |
NAZ | Cole Moore | 0-2 = 2 |
NAZ | Ryan Turse | 0-1 = 1 |
NAZ | Henry McKinney | 1-0 = 1 |
NAZ | Christian Cupani | 0-1 = 1 |
NAZ | Johnny Jackson | 1-0 = 1 |
NAZ | Ray Falso | 2-0 = 2 |
NAZ | Sean O'Brian | 1-0 = 1 |
ARC | Dylan Florit | 1-0 = 1 |
NAZ | Nicholas Charron | 0-1 = 1 |
NAZ | Liam Quinlivan | 0-1 = 1 |
ARC | Halen Cookston | 0-1 = 1 |
NAZ | Mitch Culver | 0-2 = 2 |
ARC | Dylan Infantino | 0-1 = 1 |
Player Penalty Summary
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Team | Player | Penalties |
NAZ | Keith Davenport | 1-2 |
ARC | Justin Song | 2-4 |
ARC | Miles Read | 2-4 |
ARC | Cam Parrott | 1-2 |
ARC | Haralds Jirgens | 1-2 |
NAZ | Henry McKinney | 1-2 |
NAZ | Christian Cupani | 1-2 |
NAZ | JT Entelisano | 1-2 |
ARC | Mike Kocsis | 2-4 |
ARC | Dylan Florit | 1-2 |
ARC | Kyle Peters | 1-2 |
NAZ | Liam Beaudoin | 1-2 |
NAZ | Liam Quinlivan | 1-2 |
ARC | Dylan Infantino | 1-2 |
Asst. Referee(s):
Asst. Referee(s):
Box scores by — U.S. College Hockey Online are compiled from official game box scores. Changes may have been made to the official box score after it was released to the media. Consequently, USCHO's box scores may disagree with reports published by other sources.
Line Num | Player 1 | Player 2 | Player 3 |
Line Num | Player 1 | Player 2 | Player 3 |
Period | Number | Play |
P3 | 6 | [00:00] End of Period |
P3 | 5 | [20:00] Start of Period |
P2 | 4 | [00:00] End of Period |
P2 | 3 | [20:00] Start of Period |
P1 | 2 | [00:00] End of Period |
P1 | 1 | [20:00] Start of Period |