With Wisconsin and Michigan State being forced to cancel, we’re left with only one midweek series, but it’s a good one. So good that we thought it deserved its own picks blog. Either that, or I haven’t even looked at the schedule for this coming weekend. You decide.
Like always, let’s see how we did last time out.
Last week
Drew: 6-2-0 (.661)
Paula: 3-5-0 (.411)
This season
Drew: 18-9-1 (.661)
Paula: 11-16-1 (.375)
This (mid)Week
Michigan and Minnesota play twice at Yost in what should be the marquee matchup of the first half of the season, even with players missing because of World Juniors duty. Both games are on BTN.
Not going to delve too much into the series, because I believe Paula will focus on it in her column this week. Side note, shout out to her for writing that two weeks in a row. I’ve been down with the sickness (not Covid) since Thursday and am just working my way back into game shape.
No. 4 Minnesota at No. 5 Michigan
Tuesday at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Drew: Michigan 4-2, Minnesota 5-3
Paula: Minnesota 3-2, 3-2
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Follow along with us, @drewclaussen and @paulacweston on Twitter. Enjoy the series!