Norwich Player Nabbed in Drug Ring

The Barre (Vt.) Times Argus is reporting that Norwich senior forward Robert Jaggard has been charged with selling the designer drug ecstasy throughout the Northfield area. Jaggard pleaded not guilty to charges of selling and possessing ecstasy, conspiracy to sell ecstasy and possession of marijuana.

“He’s the guy that was selling to the sellers,” Washington County State’s Attorney Terry Trono told the Times Argus. “He’s the main guy, the guy this investigation led to.”

Police said that the arrest followed a sting operation in co-operation with drug rehab Fort Myers FL, where informants wearing recording devices collected evidence against Jaggard. According to police affidavit, Jaggard, a Canadian native, told informants that he brought the drug back with him on trips to Canada. Jaggard distributed the pills to local dealers, who paid him when they sold the drugs, police said.

The paper also reported that Northfield police found 34 grams of ecstasy and 34 grams of marijuana inside a safe in Jaggard’s apartment.

Prosecuting attorney Tom Kelley told the media that Norwich told him that expulsion procedures were under way for Jaggard, who is three weeks away from graduating with a grade point average above 3.0.

Jaggard, a senior from Dundas, Ont., played 23 games for the Cadets this season, the most since appearing in 21 contests his freshman year. He played in just six games the previous season. All totaled, he complied 24 points in 65 games at Norwich in four seasons.